Physical Health
211 West 1st Street, North Vancouver, V7M 0E3, BC, Canada 604-984-5060
Wellness centre provides free integrated health and social services for youth ages 12 to 24 and their families. One-stop shop helps youth access mental health care, substance use services, primary health care, social services, and youth and family peer supports. Other services include youth outreach, housing support, employment support, independent living transition support, peer support, and parent navigation. For youth ages 12 to 19, offers hospital liaison from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday and alternating Fridays as well as urgent intervention 9:30 am to 7:30 am daily. Self or other referral; Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage not required, but will help clients get a BC Care Card if eligible. Services are available in-person and virtually. Serves North Vancouver and West Vancouver. Office hours are 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday; drop-in hours are 1 pm to 5 pm Monday to Thursday; primary care clinic hours are 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm Mondays, 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and 2:30 pm to 6 pm Thursdays.
Puts you in touch with an RN who will answer your medical questions about symptoms, medications, health concerns, and health resources. Pharmacist available 5pm-9am Mon- Fri. Available in over 130 languages. Toll free in BC:1-866-215- 4700 or Vancouver: 604- 215-4700 www.bchealthguide.org
Provides quality, reliable nutrition services and resource information to British Columbians in 130 languages toll free in BC: 1-800-667- 3438 or Vancouver 604-732- 9191 hours of operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00 pm www.dialadietician.org
A variety of web-based info, including the health guide online. Search topic areas include: healthy living, family child and youth health, women’s health, men’s health, senior’s health, aboriginal health, multicultural health, community supports, health tools, Ministry of Health, BC Health Authority, BC Centre for Disease Control 1-800-465-4911 www.bchealthguide.org