Crisis Services
Vancouver Crisis Centre
Business Phone: 604-872-1811 www.crisiscentre.bc.ca | YouthInBC.com Crisis line: 604-872-3311 | Toll Free 1-866-661-3311 Suicide Crisis Line: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Operates two 24/7 crisis phone services and an online youth live chat website with trained volunteers providing support and referrals. In addition, the community education team facilitates suicide prevention and stress management workshops.
S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up, Education & Research)
Phone: 604-675-3985 Vancouver residents: People age 19 and over who have made a suicide attempt, are currently suicidal, or have suicidal ideation, and are assessed as fitting program criteria, can receive free individual counselling, advocacy, and hospital liaison. Also provides up to three one-on-one psychoeducational sessions to people concerned about suicide in a significant other. Anyone with concerns related to suicide can speak with an intake worker 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday
Helpline for Children 24-hour (toll-free, no area code): 310-1234
TTY 1-866-660-0505 www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/safety/public-safety/protecting-children/keeping(…)
A 24-hour helpline for children and youth who may feel unsafe, confused, or scared, and wish to talk with someone; line is answered by child protection social workers. Children, parents, community members, or anyone having reason to believe that a child is, has been, or is likely to be abused or neglected should also report their concerns to this line, so that steps can be taken to ensure the child’s safety and well-being.
Kids Help Phone
Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Text line: Text CONNECT to 686868
Confidential, anonymous, and free 24-Hour phone and text help lines and online resources for kids and teens, including connecting with other youth and support from a counsellor.
Hollyburn Family Services – Victim Support Program Phone: 778-855-4566
Address: 104-267 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, BC, V7M 1A5
Email: www.hollyburn-society.ca/victim-support/victim-support-program
Provides free victim support services to women, children, youth, and men who have experienced family and relationship violence, sexual assault, historical child physical/sexual abuse, and criminal harassment. Services include emotional support; advocacy; orientation and information about the justice system; court and police accompaniment; information, referral, and liaison regarding other community services; and form completion assistance. Multilingual services are available. Serves North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and Bowen Island; also supports individuals outside these areas who are a victim of the above crimes and the matter is scheduled in North Vancouver Provincial Court. Accepts referral from self or other. Office hours are 8:30 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday; clients can be accommodated outside office hours. Funding provided by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General (MPSSG).
Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW)
Business Line: 604-255-6228 www.wavaw.ca Rape Crisis Line 24 hrs/day Lower mainland 604-255-6344 | Toll-free 1-877-392-7583 WAVAW also provides the following free services: – STV (Stopping The Violence) counselling: Individual and group support – Accompaniments to hospital, police and courts – Assistance with Crime Victim Assistance forms, Victim Impact Statements and Third Party Reports – Outreach and Public Education – Aboriginal Outreach services for women and youth – Community and advocacy work