Addictions Treatment and Support
Supports individuals with substance use issues or concurrent mental health and substance use issues to stabilize their health and establish a path toward long-term improvements in functioning. Services include a daily drop-in group, psychoeducational sessions and group counselling, a day program, individual therapy, consultation with an addictions physician and psychiatrist, a support group for affected others, and referral to residential treatment. Also provides opioid users with free Take Home Naloxone Kits (Narcan) that can be used to reverse the effects of overdoses from opioids like fentanyl, heroin, methadone, morphine, and oxycodone. Team includes doctors, nurses, and counsellors. Open referral.
250-145 West 17th Street, North Vancouver, V7M 3G4, BC, Canada 604-982-5616
Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Also provides education around HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Needle exchange services include distribution of clean needles, sterile water, bleach kits, and alcohol wipes; disposal of used needles; and health information to encourage safer injection practices. Provides safer drug use supplies such as crack pipe mouthpiece and screens, and injection supplies. Provides safer sex supplies, including condoms. Serves North Vancouver and West Vancouver. Hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
Central Community Health Centre, 6th Floor-132 West Esplanade Avenue, North Vancouver, V7M 1A2, BC, Canada 604-983-6700
Provides three levels of in-patient substance addiction treatment: Level I Stabilization, Level II Intensive Therapy, Level III Transition & Re-entry. The co-ed facility aims to promote health and recovery from addiction through treatment, education and support that strengthens individuals, families and communities. Phone: 604-872-5517 www.pacificatreatment.ca
Central Access – Detox Referral Line
Links people to detox and addiction housing services. Adults who require detoxification receive immediate screening by health care workers, who set up appointment times with the provider that most suits a client’s needs. Will accept methadone-using clients wanting to withdraw from
other substances. Toll Free 1-866-658-1221